Colour measurement in the oils and fats industry is an essential part of the refining process. It is a means of assessing when the desired colour has been reached and when the refining can be halted. This ability to regularly monitor the colour during processing cuts down the waste of refining materials and also helps to maintain colour consistancy of the end product.
Lovibond Model F Visual Colorimetry : Lovibond® Precision
Lovibond AF 710-3 Visual Grading for the Wesson Method for Edible Oils and Fats
Comparator 3000/ Petroleum AF650, Visual Grading Single Scale, 3-Field Visual Measurement for Edible Oils and Fats
Comparator System 2000, Visual Grading Single Scale, 2-Field Visual Measurement for Edible Oils
Lovibond PFXi-195 Series Spectrophotometric Colorimeters for with Remote Calibration Edible Oils and Fats
PFXi-880,- 950, -995 Series
Spectrophotometric Colorimeters with Extended Path Length & Optional Heater
Lovibond Model Fx Serires Accurate Measurement of the Colour of Edible Oils at the Correct Temperature for Edible Oils and Fats